Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You got me with your hands ♥


I had this weird feeling going to school again after 4 days of holi-shopping. Anyway, I was feeling super cold and sleepy this morning. I dont know why, maybe its the weather and Aaron text-booming me. Froggie, you have SPM on Wednesday and maybe using your time you text me to revise is better, dont you think? (;

Anyway, we had to retake Maths test today. Oh and I forgotten about it.. I remember Lameo reminding me while we were chatting but then after I went for my nappy, I was brainwashed.. & I blame Aaron, therefore, THANK YOU, AARON! Yes, it's always your fault.

Nono, we still won, okay! but they were good, too. :)

Guess what?! We played Captainball today and got into finals! Like finally, M class is back! Wohoooo! All of you were AWESOME! Yes, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! Im so proud of you, duck, squid, lime and cuttlefish.Darn, I sucked today, since L scored 1. but we still won! DUCKIE I LOVE YOU! Look at us play! HAHA! (:

Yes, I also hope that you people liked the souvenirs. Hint : Zach, Chao, Cherng and Brandon. You 3 got what you wanted. Sorry James, Liverpool the next time okay! but James, KOREA KOREA KOREA! I dont care if you go to P but youre getting me my souvenir! :)

Creative model building was weird.. We were suppose to make this spaceship thingy when it turned out to become this really really huge krabby patty. HAHA! Yes, for big sized people. Oh you asked : Why is it green on top.

Answer : Not enough orange paper. So there, it's lettuce okay! (;

But it's nice, at least all of us were smiling! Look at all of our smiling faces, except for Don, he was probably talking to Ian.. Idk. :)

Im so tired.. I shall stop here.
The thailand post thingy, will hold. Sorry. :(

Bye Penguin,
Bye Froggie,
Bye Duckie,
Bye Centipede,
Bye Squid,
Bye Cuttlefish.

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