Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If I could go back ♥


Yesterday is dead and over;
So why worry and think about what happened yesterday?
Dont' be afraid of the past, look out for the future..
Because it's your life and be who you want to be.

Im so tired and I ate chocolates to hype myself, but sugar dont work on me anymore.. Oh no.. Im not emo, Im just tired, extremely tired. Ask cherlyn, I was talking to her for 5 minutes and yawn more than 10 times. Sorry dear. :'(

I might not come to school tomorrow, there's the bible knowledge miming thingy. Dolphin and Centipede's not coming, either. I have no games tomorrow, so........... Since theyre playing knock-out system now. Centipede's so sweet, when he knew I was feeling sad because he wasnt coming tomorrow, he actually promised me he would text bomb me. Awww. (:

So lets see, I had the weirdest dream, ever. I dreamt of centipede leaving school. I know, I was sad too but he promised me he wouldnt leave. Then I started panicking for tomorrow. because I dont know whats gonna happen tomorrow.. I know, wth. HAHA! That weird..

Art competition after that. Squid was darn funny, but I forgotten why.. I know, Penguins have bad memory.. Oh no. :(

Basketball and volleyball after that. Darn. After running and running under the hot hot hot sun in the basketball court I had a massive stomach pain. Then Don and Centipede thought I was crying.. Pffts..

That was pretty much it.. School was a bore.. :(

Till then .

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