Thursday, June 11, 2009

You make the sun come up ♥

Im so very exhausted.. I feel like Im gonna die anytime now, yet whenever I enter my room, I won't be able to sleep.. I didnt even do anything today, thus I had a full 8 hours sleep last night.. Something has gotten into me.. Oh boy, oh boy..

Daddy deleted Google Chrome. Jeez, now all the favourites for my ELRP's gone, and I gotta do it all over again.. I was in charge for the main course for dinner today.. Googled up for some easy recipes and got Chicken and mushroom stew.. It didn't turn out fantastic but it was okay I guess.. At least, it's all gone now.. (:

I was about to end this post, but before that, I shall post about the almighty..

Bintang Lee Thai Hsin =]

Happy 14th bithday, bro!

Have an awesome awesome one. Like I said, the next time we meet up, you're treating me for whatever I request for. & there, you've been one of the greatest friends from primary till now.. Time is like this, it's so stubborn that it will not go back and all I've left to say is

"You've been a really great friend, & I shall cherished every moment we spent together"

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