Saturday, June 13, 2009

Stop wherever you are ♥

Weekends.. Sigh.. How come times come and go so fast?? I don't wanna go to school.. See.. My time's all upside down now, so if I go to school on Monday, I'll fall asleep in school and end up wasting the whole day sleeping in the sick bay..

Conclusion : Why go to school when you're feeling sleepy?

I couldn't sleep last night.. I slept at 2 am but didn't work.. so I finally fell asleep at 3am or so when I woke up at 6.30am and couldn't sleep again until 7.30am.. and I finally woke up at 11 am when I realised I had to go over to Sarah's at 11.. You had no idea how hard it was to sleep last night.. I don't know.. I kept thinking of stuff.. Stupid stuff.. and like I dreamt of going to school knowing that BENNY AND YOONGKEAT DIDNT DO THEIR HOMEWORK.. I know it's impossible thats why i find it strange..

Hoongyip was in my house waiting for me to get up this morning.. He reached around 10.30am.. at least thats what my maid and mom says.. hahaha.. so we went to Sarah's crib after I got ready.. was a bore, not going into details.. Debra was already there and I got my SUPER BELATED BIRTHDAY PRESENT.. haha, yeah, my birthday was 1 month ago.. but still THANK YOU Debra!! :)

& there.. one day was gone.. Eeeeks! I think I better start holiday homework it's already 9.30pm. Gosh.. and TRY MY VERY BEST TO SLEEP EARLY TONIGHT for church tomorrow.. Don't wanna miss another week, though.. ;)

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