Thursday, June 4, 2009

It only works on you ♥

Lets see.. what was I about to blog?
Oh crap! I've forgotten! DAYM!

Anyway, since I've forgotten I shall blog crap. No, you don't need to continue reading, but if you do.. Whatevers.. ! I don't mind, either..

Went to Mid valley today.. I wore heels when I still had my four blisters! Haha, no im not dumb. Calling people dumb is not nice.. Right?

Made daddy bring me to Damansara to get the best Ice lemon tea. HAHA! Daddy still brought me there. Thank you daddy! I promise I'll do something special on Fathers day yet I haven't figure out what to do yet.. just YET!

I've been watching you.. I have so many things to ask yet nothing comes out from my mouth.. Sometimes you come around when Im not noticing and knock me back down..

Oh what c o n f u s i o n

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