Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You are my missing jigsaw ♥


It's another typical day, isnt it? Such stuffy weather, having everyone sick..
Ben claims that it ain't cool..

Well, I'll tell you what's cool..

In Wesley Methodist School, Kuala Lumpur.. On the 10th and 11th of August, in a very classroom.. 2M; there were 16 absentees!! That contains a high degree of awesome-ness, no? (:

So anyway, I heard that they had free periods throughout the day.. Jia Cherng was planning to go to school, but I don't see why should he consider, when you go there and waste your time, looking at subject teacher's ugly faces.. I on the other hand, am still sick, thus my MC lasts until next week, so what the heck..

Angel's condition's not going so well, but Im pretty sure, she'll feel better after a good rest.. Im currently in the mids of recovering, so don't disturb me.. I may decline your phone calls and then text you the next minute.. Dont think Im crazy, because I still am not.. Trust me.. I just do not want to frighten you with my terrifying beautiful voice..

Till you see me again,
I got to gather tinkle bell's fairy dust to put under my pillow.. xD

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