Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nothing is really worth the wait ♥


How sad were you today? because I was feeling so sad, and I made so many people sad with me. Im sorry, but I didnt mean to do it. Frankly speaking, Thursdays are ALWAYS screwed up. & I cant believe I actually came to school today. Yeah, talk about facing Shirley. *rolls eyes*

Like whattheheck?! Who are you trying to kid? RM40 for an ELRP book because I covered Philene? Get a life. Its not even worth 20 bucks. punishment for covering Philene : putting Theodore in CF, playing permanently?! I mean, I thought opportunities are shared amongst us? Thus, Im not even the music coordinator in CF and now she's talking about chapel. Its not that do not want him playing for CF, true, everybody should have a chance but then of everything you can do in the worship team, why acoustic guitar when he has already stopped for 2 years? Yeah, looking for someone to back him up is a brilliant idea, but he cant be playing PERMANENTLY for CF, right? -.-

School sucked today. Wesley teacher made them sucky. Yes, very Wesley. Pffts.

Mdm. Chelvi, Im so sorry. I didnt mean to get such disappointing results for Math, but who am I kidding. I got it, and maybe, just maybe it has a purpose. Cherng and MeiYeen's right? Its time I face it..

For those who tried to cheer me up.. THANK YOU. Oh and one thing, dont try to cheer me up saying
"Oh you know ____ got lower than you what.."
I mean, it's so lame.. like, I dont care how much they get.. Do you? My expectations arent just to beat my friends.. It's so.. uh, I dont know.

For those who I have not been replying your texts. Im sorry. Whatever, I dont really care what you people think already. talk all the shit you want, id rather die.

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