Friday, October 2, 2009

I wanna be where you are ♥

Attempt: to become the Phantom but did not know where to put our masks except for Angel. :)


Ohhh, Im not gonna abandon my blog lah! I'll just update it when I feel like it, cus abandoning something or someone is not nice; for you'll hurt one's feelings.. So yeaaaaah..

This week passed by, fast. So many thing happened, and all of them were good.. Like seriously, it was like super awesome.. I feel so happy.. Im so happy; yes very happy.. but tired. Ive been feeling really like exhausted nowadays.. Idk, why..

Ohh, I love people man! Like seriously, theyre so nice, but it also depends on who.. I made James give me 2 chocolates, yes not very easy to get food from him.. Zach knows. :)

There, Nick. L made me laugh so hard just now cus of the dot. Dang! Ive been laughing too much..

Till then.

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