Saturday, January 9, 2010

This is building up in me ♥


Emmanuel, I wasnt surprised when you said Hi to me, because you always do. and your computer is totally worth stealing now. Whatever it is, I know youre still jealous of my speedy internet. (:

Duckie, dont you just miss the times when we were laughing so much we couldnt stop? I love laughing with you, maybe it's because I wont feel all weird, in any way. Youre just crazy la! Eskimo and two coconuts, baby! Right, ducks and penguins dont go well now, but they will after I sweat on United Nation day. I know you cant wait! :P

Ive got so much to do. Form3! Ive just finished doing on our class's notice board with the help of you awesome 3M crew that arent suppose to be helping. Ahaha, thank you! And next week, I'll have to start on our Christian Fellowship board outside the toilet. Shucks! Hahaa! :)

Mr. Teo Ji Min! look! Youre name is here for the 1st time in year 2010! I love you for putting my blog in your favourites! Oh and dont be scared of Brandon, he thinks youre cool. =P

The bananas has all reunited!
Green house is gonna have to deal with us!


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