Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You're my light ♥

Today's practice was TORTURING! My legs are aching and sored. :( Not good you know. We had to run rounds and rounds around the school for 1 hour non-stop. Urghhh. I beat Kim and Ping in ST-ing. Wheeeeeeeee! :P Practically everyone's leg was cacat-ed after the run. I wasn't expecting anything much to happen today but it did after all.

Classes were fine. We skipped BM. o.O Set2's were cheering for God-knows-what-reason. BM classes are actually okay for me I guess. Better than ENGLISH! :/ We were suppose to have our aural today, unfortunately Mdm was busy scolding some people. :) Im fortunate because I didn't really memorise the whole thing but the 1st half of it! Heeeeeeeeh...

OMG! Ji Min's phone is so awesome! It's like touched-screen. It's like really really cool. :) I want your phone, JIMIN! Are you still my pet cousin or not? Cus we sorta like threw you out of the M family. :x Whooooops. We thought you weren't coming back till next year. Don't say we are evil but we just didn't have enough space for the mansion. Im still lucky that I get the big room! Special thanks to Cherng! He doesn't owe me chocolates anymore. D: Saddening eh? T_T Loved them anyway. I still have 2 packets in the fridge!! :D

Oh geeeee. Guess what? Aidan stepped me so hard until my leg was almost swallowed. :( Hmphs! I totally forgotten about the revenge. Aiyar was too exhausted anyway. D: He won this time! Shit you! Oh yeah, Emmanuel and I were talking about him earlier in school. Laughed shits. :P

I think I'll just forgive him as life goes on, but then again, why should I? I mean like, he has done something that my parents never even dared doing to me. And just a plain guy, he did it to me. I mean like he used to be one of my closest friend. Our friendship just ended because of one incident. I thought that we won't be friends anymore. I didnt expect you to forgive me or me forgiving you. I always have a thought about this friendship thing is over. He just text me telling me he's sorry. Well, should I or not? I need advices people!

Oh great, now I have to rush my composition, art and comprehension. :( Stupid school..... HOMEWORKS ARE THE MOST AWFUL THINGS IN THE WHOLE PLANET!

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