Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You'll always be my thunder ♥

Tuesdayyy! The first day of sports practices. O_O Eeeek. I never liked sport practices... it's just a waste of time. :( But well yeah, it wasnt that bad, actually. :D

We were all talking non-stop in class when this really familiar guy came walking into class with a schoolbag. I was like " OMG! JI MIN! JI MIN'S BACK! " Everyone then saw... and wow, everyone was hanging around asking him why did he came back all the sudden'. Ji Min is still fortunate he remembers me. Or I'll stab stab stab him. He didn't change much, though. We had out BEST computer class today.... Ji Min was doing stupid stuff on the computer... he went to google and then went to hotmail and then Yahoo mail and went back to google again. -.- Shitttt! He was jobless enough to do stuff like those. & he suddenly went to Microsoft word and write " YAY ME! ^^ ". Ching, Angel, Shin and I was like " What- " & then there goes Kristen. She watched a video about what again? Right... retarded retards. funny shits. :) HAHA! We were insulting Ji Min's pencil box. It's like ADIDAS! & usually it would be expensive right? His one only costed him RM4.90. HAHA! We were all like laughing all the way. & then he told us it was imitation. LOL. Your parents would be so proud of you, since your' ding-dongish honest. :) Then after that he got so annoyed and tore the price tag off.

It's nice having him back anyway. The M spirit's back! :P

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