Monday, September 29, 2008

Dancing in the sky ♥

Hey people ! Sorry for not blogging yesterday. Hehe. It’s the mid of the holidays and everyone is STUDYING ! L Well unfortunately, I`m not ! C’mon lah ! As everyone know it’s the HOLIDAYS ! HOLIDAYS I TELL YOU ! Why must we waste our time ? Well but I’ve to admit I did studied ABIT ! That’s like less than a chapter ! Seriously ! Okay yeah so whatever ! I`ll try to study ! :S Well depends lah ! ;DD Han, I`ll change my blogskin a bit later ! I’m getting oh so LAZY this holiday. D;

Oh er people, Ji Min’s back from CHINA !!! Wheee. xD He might be coming back to school on Monday. Yes, I’m really excited ! Oh and people, the gathering is being cancelled. D= As you guys know exams are just around the corner. So yeah, sorry Ji Min ! ;P
I was chatting with Mikaela earlier and she told me the chances she’ll be coming to FGA is like er 99.99 %. So I assume she’ll be coming ! ;D Haha. Her sister is so CUTE !! Her riddles are darn funny !! Haha.

I have nothing better to say ! Therefore cioaz ! Wow, a 2 paragraph post. :S

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