Thursday, September 17, 2009

The way you look ♥


today didnt turn out well and by far the worst day in the week.. I wanted this day to end so fast but it didn't work.. It took so long to just wait for school to end and the night was long enough to handle.. Seriously.. I hated today, like ALOT..

So anyway, I could sleep last night.. Thanks to that baby lizard in my room, like seriously it freaked me out, and what? Cherlyn thinks lizards are cute.. WTH.. I totally disagree with her, like seriously, how can they be cute??

and then I forgotten to set my alarm last night, so I woke up at 6 when my school bus arrives my house at 6.05am.. I dont know, I wanted to skip school already but my mom didnt allow, telling me exams are coming soon, so I had to come..

Siva insulted my Art again, telling me I would get a C and whatever shit that comes out of her mouth would be better than mine.. I didnt really bother lar, art is not that important anyway.. RIGHT? :)

You dont know how hard I laughed during history with m4.. Yes, Navin, Busselton is as good looking as James while the other tokoh person looks like Chao.. OH and there was this one part..

*Yvonne making some sounds*
James : Wah, stupid Kong.. hurt my eyes, some more making so much sounds..
Chao : Ya lar! Stupid Kong, look at her size man..
*everyone looks at James*

Brandon and Emmanuel's absence were saddening enough when I we heard Kristen left school.. It was a sad thing, seriously.. We have only 29 students in 2M now.. I dont know, from last year to this year, our class is always having the least people.. Oh wells..


You dont know how mean you are to actually ditch me in school now.. We've been through so many things together and I can't believe you left school without even saying goodbye. You're so mean and you made me sad.. No one enjoys making me sad except for you..

SOOKCHENG!! Remember when your foot was stuck in the table and you were cursing so much and then the friendship tissue thing, oh and there was this one time your BRAIN was bleeding?? haha.. So very funny.. I MISS YOU AWESOME! and yes, 21st of November seems very long because you are awesome!! I MISS YOU DARLING!! :(

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