Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sitting by the window ♥


I dont know how to start, but anyway.. yeahh. Lets see.. Emmanuel abandoned me today.. So during science I was with Ching while KH with Brandon.. And he was suppose to accompany me today.. Why are you sick now..? You make me sad, sweetie.. :(

I miss James too.. Without you, Chao wouldnt give me the "James, hueiminn is staring at you look".. but Chao was being nice and helped me with my electric work thingy.. :)

Im sorry Brandon.. Sorry for not helping you do the KH thing.. I didnt mean to do it, but I had to do mine.. Thanks for helping me for the pass 2 weeks but seriously, I didnt intend to do it wrong, thus the one that was put wrong, wasnt my fault.. I didnt do it.. It's okay if you do not believe me but yeah.. Im sorry..

So today was so tiring that I decided to sleep after doing homework..but while I was doing homework, I decided to sleep.. so yeah.. I nearly overslept, but thanks to Mun Jhun, I didnt. Yay you.. :D

Till then..

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