Oh great! ;) Tomorrow!!!! Someone's coming back tomorrow! ^^ Anyway, I didn't go to school today, again. Yvonne told me there's a lotta homework today... but that stubborn girl don't wanna tell me the homework. She said she'll keep it to herself. :( Yer... so stubborn.
Anyway, went for visitings today. Aunts house and dinner there again... tomorrow. The new baby's so cuteee. Everyone's having babies nowadays. :) Uncle Chew's house. ;) He said I have to go on Sunday for the dinner because Jordan and Sean will be there. Oh yay! The laughters. We'll see lar. Wonder if daddy allows..... Dropped by some shop to buy groceries and I cant believe the cashier gave us ang paos. Alibaba! 10 bucks you know! ;) I mean like if you don't know the person you'll at least give like only 5 bucks right? Or maybe $2 ? Strange..
Emily's house after that. Kelly wasn't home. Chat awhile and went to another relative's house. Was okay, but Bryan wasn't home. Oh boredom kills. :( Adults were talking about cancer. O_O Scary you know! :( Yvonne thinks that I have cancer now. Eeeeks! I don't okay! Hopefully, I won't get any until I leave this planet. Godfather's house after that. Talked about random stuffs. Can't believe Eevonne actually went to school today. Rajin betul~ Dinner with them in brickfields I think... Chat with Elaine since she's going back to Aussie tomorrow. :( Aiyor! Everyone's leaving!! D: Allen sommore go party without me! Hmphs! :( I dont' think I'll be seeing you for a long time! Why la why you wanna go Melbourne to study??! Sheeeesh! Yeah, you owe me big time man!
Allison's house after that. I tell you.. that creature damn funny you know...
Brandon : Eh, im your cousin why you dont talk to me?
Hueiminn : Wait lar.. after that she warm up that time.. kill you pun boleh.
-after warming up-
Allison : ajdnfbfuieiowrjfksdfnmlsmnjhgk YOU KNOW ARR........ YOU KNOW THAT DAY ARR....YESTERDAY SO FUNNY YOU KNOW............................
Brandon : Hueiminn, tak boleh tahan larr.... :(
HAHA! Then it was time when Jenny made me laugh.... Those workers were sending in their NEW furniture. :)
Maid : Wah! Besar!
Jenny : Besar...
Maid : Cantik!
Jenny : Cantik...
Maid : PUTIH!!!
Jenny : PUTIH!!!!
Maid : macamtu susah lar! Hari-hari kena lap....
Jenny : Tak mau lap? Boleh! Tengok saje! Tak boleh duduk!
Till then``