Cf camp `10.
This was taken by lady gaga. :P
Right outside our dorms. Pretty awesome huh? I miss cf camp. I miss that place even when there were so much lizard's poo, ants, mosquito, weird insects and scary dogs. The hot and humid late nights and the cold and freezing mornings. Oh, shield of faith, I love each and everyone of you.
& this was taken outside the boys dorm. Which was supposedly our dorm. Yeah. We switched dorms. How on earth did some long stick ended up in the dustbin? The boys mustve used it for the wrong purposes. Like how Tzy Yang broke his... bed. :/
How awesome. The "KOK HAO's". Im not thinking sick, and I hope youre not either. Therefore, we'll walk in a straight path, like how both of them on top are doing. Anyway, the one on the right's my mortal from last year. I still stalk him, though. Because Im an AWESOME JELLY BEAN GA. Haha. & the one on my right...... I dont know what to say, but he was my GA. Didnt do as great as Charissa but still is. Unfortunately. We're the same age! At least until my birthday. Hahaah. & thats how I met him, by talking about his birthday and our ages. I still remember. :P
A closer look of Mr. Gaga. BUT ALL IN ALL, he's great. I miss the times while we were filling up the water balloons and how we laughed until I couldnt breathe. The times when I wanted to look at his messages and we were fighting like how I use to fight with me brother. hahaha. He can just make my day like that. & how much he made me laugh in front of the screen because he said CHING give him that weird stare. Hahah. -inside joke. :P
I realised it's been a long time since I posted such a long post. Blame my uncontrollable emotions, and the stuff happening and how the earth is spinning and the climate-change. It was so hot in class today, that the air-cond fainted. Yes, it wasnt working. You shouldve seen those buckets of sweat each and everyone of us were producing. "IT'S SO HOT! Its like us, guys producing sperms". (Identity kept unknown) HAHAHAHAAH! I havent laughed so hard in a long time, I promise.
Oh wells. Navin, Sean, ChiWai and Chew hou. You people totally kicked ass today, despite the fact I wanted to say shitting and farting. COUGH. Coconuts. Sean you bit bat kit kat. =]
Jon. Yeoh, you are retarded stupid to play computer games with my neighbour instead of "MR.COOL" ! :D
Choices are to be chose, wisely.
I wanna live like how I use to last time.
Oh God, help me.
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