Saturday, April 10, 2010

Im good at pretending ♥

Sorry for letting you down captain.
I'll miss your retarded motivation talk.
I promise.

I went for sports day today. with the achooo, and cough cough cough and the sneezing. & if you didnt hear me sneeze or cough, it'd be weird, because while preparing for gymrama, I had headache, imagine the pain I bear.

Im proud of you, amazing one. You made me proud. You know who you are. :)

Yellow house won. haahah. Funny. Look at that picture? Seriously, they shot up just like that. I could accept everything since they had like really good athletes and all, but champion for gymrama and march past is a serious joke. How on earth can they beat green or red for gymrama? I bet even Mars and venus cannot believe. & March past, have you even seen green house? Like seriously, green house seriously did so well, even parents thought it was unfair that yellow won gymrama and march past.

So meaning, all my screaming, shouting, forcing has gone to waste. Geez. ):

Im sorry yellow house, thats just my opinion.
I dont hate you. I just dont like the judges.

Isnt he the cutest little thing? & then later in the evening, I was invited into a 5 people chat thingy, and they were all the little greenies of form1. They admitted how much gymrama changed their life after meeting Dawn and I. Awwww, and how much they'd miss us. See, gymrama is always fun. & they promised me they wouldnt grumble for gymrama next year. Im so.... touched. :)

Dinner with James wasnt very awesome because it was awesome when he told me chickens are awesome. Okay the previous sentence came out awesomely because awesome was appeared 3 times. hahah. Hrmmm.. James, oh James. Youre awesome.

bye. (:

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