Saturday, March 27, 2010

Im taking this risk ♥


Im on a laggy lappy right now. mmmmhmmm. & Cherng will tell me how many whao(s) he's producing. Yeah. I have great friends well, most of them. The others, are just BEYOND awesomeness. Aaron youre just one of the greats. Hahahah.

You people participated in Earth Hour? because if you did, YAY YOU! I didnt. I havent even experienced earth hour, unless the one in school is counted, which is half cheating, BECAUSE we still used the LCD. Ive got awesome stickers from whichever club that organised it. YELLOW! I use to dislike yellow, a lot. but, YELLOW reminds me of, spongebob and... you know who. :)

ChunYang made my day lah. Seriously. Detention on your birthday is awesome. See, even Wesley gives you a present, I havent received one, yet. HAHA! Happy birthday, bro. Youre awesome from inside out, kebabs standing in front of you. :]

It's my mom's birthday as well, and Brian, Janelle and Emily. Hrmmm, if only I knew 27 people that has the same birth date. Never mind. :)

Dinner was awesome, 2 hours in the car was worth it. Despite the carbon footprints caused by... daddy. I shall get some text-replying now.

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