Thursday, March 12, 2009

The time of my life ♥

Exams are over! Ze``` yay-ness. I saw my 4th daddy today! He got 10A's! Congratulations! Arthur, Arthur.... Calan likes you. Ahahaa.

Im not gonna comment on my test papers... I'll keep it to myself; but if you really wanna know... Im gonna flunk them all! Oh wells, I just told you..

Shoooooo` teacher gave out our phones early today.. Right after exams. I like Emmanuel and Ji Min's phone! It's so cool! Ji Min wants to trade my phone with his! Which I would totally give a YES weyy. :P

Oh right, I might not go to Sunway next week! Sorry guys! Have fun!
& Im DEFINITELY not going to Pavillion tomorrow.. Have transport problems. Eeeeks.

-Daniel Grandpa's awesome 14th birthday's tomorrow!
-Aunty Nicole's coming back, hopefully to wms also!

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