Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My drug ♥

Hey peeps ! It's been a boring day. Well yeah, nothing much happened today, well maybe NOT YET ! HAHA. I've changed my blog skin, thanks to Mei yeen who's been commenting about it. Haa. Everyone preferred to OLD one, but you can't copy & paste stuffs from that one, & so PEOPLE COMPLAIN. LOL. It's 5 o' clock now and I have already 9 people complaining to me that they're bored. HAHA. Jo's asking me to go over for a sleepover. Ah, will probably be allowed. She's special. Parents will allow... I THINK ! Oh right, sorry Jing & Nic, couldn't come for the sleepover. Parents didn't allow, but I'm sure that I`ll be able to go over to Jo's. xP HAHAA. Maybe on the night right before or AFTER breakfree's concert. Nothing more to blog about. D; Was chatting with Mikaela & she was acting as Furddie.

Hueiminn aka Mistress ;; Mikaela aka Furddie

Furddie, your mumu's gonna give birth to 5 puppies on christmas day ! & that's my christmas present from YOU.
I`ll try to stab you or something & you go.. pathetic human
Furddie, you're a dog ! You can't possibly whole a knife to stab me .
i'm more than a dog! u....!
I thought you were a dog... a plain dumb one ! How can you be more than a dog ?! Oh right... a STUPID dog. xP
how dare you woman!!! its obvious that you're dumber than any normal human though! u heartless wretch!
Oh right.. I`m dumb... I can write, I can cook, I can type what can you do ?
is that the best u can do? i can eat, i can sleep. and i can BITE
Oh right.. everything you can do.. I can do.. I can do numerous things than you ! C'mon lah, you're just a dog.. that only barks all day long... -.-

watch ya words lady or u'll pay!
Pay you what !? BONES ?! HAHA
i meant ur not getting anything out of me or my mumu lady!!!
Well... okay then.. I can have Coco's mumu's puppies !
their not originals and they wont grow up to be as mumu-ish as mine!
OH right.... I forgot ! Your wife, is the mumu-est mumu on earth !
which is a good thing cz u dont get original mumus these days lady!!!
Hello ? Those mumus may not be as mumu-issh as your wife, but they can have original puppies if they mate with the same breed too okay. Oh and where are your manners, DOG. You don't call me lady or woman... you call me your mistress ! Watch your words
yeahhh madam! f.y.i. mistress is more downcast than lady or woman! look up a dictionary if u can! didnt know a dog could be smarter than a human
Whatever it is.... You should always give some respect ! Oh so now, you're speechless about your wife's puppies eyh ?
im not! i'm not gonna give them to you because they're the originals ones and they're the last batch of their kind, the mumu-est type! the best! so byeee missy! ur not gonna lay a hand on them!
Aha ?! Last batch. Right ! Your mumu's too old & is giving her last batch.. poor thing, she'll probably die one day leaving you all alone in this cold world... producing NO MORE PUPPIES ! (:
that's not it... my mumu's actually very very young and the first batch is always the best! and we're not giving one bit of them away... stop talking and start your actions. see what you can do next!
haha.. I`ll probably feed your bitch & chain her up when she's eating & get the puppies ! Oh yes.. Merry christmas ! HOHOHO !
she ran away to a safer place WITH ALL the pups n yeah Merry Christmas to you to sly misstress!
Okay peepo, so any idea what a MUMU is now ? If so, tell me in my chatbox & you guys may get a prize !
Oh right ! People !! Happy birthday !! (:
- Ethan
- Ashley
- Deanna

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