Friday, August 15, 2008

The words I say ♥

It's not good to act dumb ;
I know you know it !
I`m warning you!
I love people ;;
therefore, I am obsessed with you
and your SEXY smile.

Yeah, it's once again the HOLIDAYS !! Which is such delightful news to some while to the others, they miss schooling, nerds we like to call, but well indeed not all nerds like going to school. Other than that, some people enjoys going to school mainly it's because they miss their friends too much and such. So yeah.

There was this little girl who takes the same bus as me. So yeah... that little girl is still educating in primary. It's some Chinese school. xP So erm yeah, this morning the bust dropped by my house and guess what ?! After I sat down on the seat.. that girl vomit ted in front the entrance of the bus. O.O That fucking bus driver was taking his own sweet time wiping it with tissue while forgetting that we had to GO TO SCHOOL !! So yeah, later on students that came back up the bus didn't know there were like vomit so yeah... they stepped on it. Gross eyh ?! Nothing much more happened in the morning.

We had this 2 hour lunch today. Gah ! We missed games while Mr. Low was wondering around the school. Damn it ! I mean like why ?! 2 whole hours doing NOTHING ! We do what we always do chat ; eat ; drink ; PLAY !! (: Who knows 2 hours went by that fast. O.O

So we went back to class and yeah... we were packing and stuff. Thanks to Yoong Keat whom wet me again !! I mean like wtf ! Why must he do that every time ?! People thought I was crying at least some thinks .. =D Hehe. I`m a bad actress... HOHOHO !! :P


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