Sunday, December 5, 2010

Someday I'll tell you ♥


We had our long awaited piano concert today. That super adorable boy beside me, is my boyfriend. At least thats what he told everybody, he even told his father he likes me. He's 8 and he's a gentleman, really. He got me water, and applied his ladies first policy. He's swiss, and if only he was 15 or older. *big wide smile*

Anyway, Jackson gave me a surprise call this morning. He was lucky Im awake, it was so early. He's so nice. & all the texts I received was very encouraging. :)

At least I didnt screw up. because during rehearsals, I forgotten my lyrics and all. It was cool during the performance. I had the loudest applause from Zachary. Haaha. I also like the part where I forgotten one line and impromptu-ed with my own words. Heehe. That was vocals.

Choir was scary. I was standing underneath the cover of the grand piano, risking my life. & Jon was practically laughing at my shortness. Its always the height, but I know Im not short. :)

After that was church. Ben was in Singapore, so my lights buddies and I had to manage the lights system, ourselves. It was fun, and everything went well. It was an awesome day, until I got home, at least. The electricity was off from 6pm-1am. I also found out Zhu En was telling everybody my secrets of which only both of us and Edwin share about.

I was so bored, I read another book. Im listening to Mathews' advices. Im feel like an angel. :)

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