Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's nice to know ♥

I overslept.. I was so hyped up this morning. Thanks to ze` 2 awesome.. You know who you are.. loves..

Let see, Gid and I were checking out some videos from youTube when we found many interesting ones.. No, don't think sick, think S T R A I G H T! :P

Went over to Steven's! Hmm, I miss HQ! Wonder where's he now.. Haven't seen you for a month you monkey.. Yes, an orang gila misses you.. Mandeep and I were hoping you will appear but no, you disappointed us.. Ahh, I still have problem remembering how to spell his name.. :(

Came home chill awhile and guess what? I watched 3 movies today.. Yes 3! All of them were good.. Not gonna brat so much about it, it's 12.30am and you don't want me to fall asleep in YC tomorrow, do you?

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