Thursday, September 15, 2011

All I know is that I should.

Look at those rocks. Theyre so cute and adorable.
Theyre so smiley. :)

School has been really hectic lately. All the more, exams are coming soon. Then again, I havent been putting effort in my studies. I need to do well this term, or I will die next year.

Anyway, today was really exciting. We dissected white mice for bio class. They were really adorable, then they were left unconscious. So we dissected it. We had extra time after looking at all their basic organs, so Benny and all the ambitious and smart people from our class decided to untangle the mouse's small intestines. It was really dangly and long. We even saw its brain and I really thought the fallopian tube was cool. Then it was time for burial again. The last 2 burials we had were hilarious, and today was as funny. I had flowers for nibbles. :')

Okay now. I need to start doing my homework.

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