Tuesday, May 31, 2011


My best friend is cooler than your shirt.

if youTube, myspace; I'll google your yahoo. :)

One of our craziest sleepover yet.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Holidays are so fun.

Tuition replacement classes on all the weekdays this week. From Monday to Friday. It feels like school. Just better and better and better. No wait, Im not even going for all the days. Im flying off to meet peter pan. :D

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bloozo. :)

My very belated birthday present from... you. :)

Anyways, exams were crazy difficult. Im so impressed by Ian and his smart cells this term.

Happy birthday Brandon Kwong.
Sorry I couldnt text you.
I lost your number. for real.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thinking through.

Some awesome shiz people without Dexter. :)

Alright. Ive already thought it true. Slept for 10 hours and missed church. I couldnt wake up, my phone died, resulting myself not to wake up. Im not even sure whether I'll be waking up in time tomorrow.

So anyway, last night was a long long night. I was thinking about practically everything and how much I sucked through 16 years of my life. No, not really, just very much of this year. Therefore, Im gonna have to make it good. Yesterday seriously sucked BIG TIME. Well, as if the other days didnt. but yeah. Everything is happening so fast. Since April, nothing good seem to be happening. Well, obviously there have been some ups but these bad emotions have been overflowing into them.

I dont like this. So, Im gonna make things better. Im going to get married........ with my dance partner. because he's strong and too "BUFF" for other girls. :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Daddy loves me. So he got me everything I wanted.

but eff no. My life still sucks. Why is this year so sucky?! Dam shiz.

The end of the world.

If the world ends today,
I totally regretted my life. Very much of this year, as well.

I doubt its judgement day, even. I read the bible. because Praveen made me, with his tweets. :)

So just in case... these are a few of my confessions.
I actually really really really liked...... (Praveen : NO HUEI MINN! Why are you doubting the bible?!)

Okay. I dont tell you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Meioisis song.

The Meiosis song.

The Mitosis song.

Doesnt sound that good, but as long as it helps! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I need to cry.

Its Nicholas. Say hi, he'll give you better creeps. :)

I wanna cry so hard right now and never wanna cry again.
This feeling sucks. Why must this always happen to me.
I need you to come back.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I'll wait for you to come back. I promise. :)

I was in a pissy pissy mood, so I decided to study Bio.
My phone is still not cooperating with me, but Im feeling slightly better now. because oh the "lock and key" enzyme thingy! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


Exams officially started today. No papers for me today. BK on Monday, so meh. :)
Just finished chapter 3 of BIO about phospholipid bilayers along with the hydrophobic tails and the hydrophilic heads! Then there's hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic solutions. When they undergo plasmolysis, crenation or deplasmolysis. Osmosis is for water and there're facilitated transport, active transport and what not by the carrier and pore proteins! Oh yes. =)

I havent started on BK yet. I wanna forgo, but I need to do the right thing. Heh. :P

Dance practice was so fun! My dance partner is sick, but he can still support my weight. He's not so weak afterall. (:

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I hope you can tell

I dont know why, but everytime I talk to you, I feel some unlikeliness. There's this something in me that tells me I should stop. Maybe because I dont want our friendship to get to the next level. I dont know if you have been taking my words seriously, but I really dont NEED a boyfriend right now.

I know you'll see this, and I hope you understand. Im sorry for everything, and im also very sorry for unfriending you in facebook. Its for our own good. Bye. The past 3 months knowing you has been great. Youre a good friend, you deserve someone better. :)

Bye KPM.
Your initials, cus you know im talking to you.
DM me in twitter if you want me to delete this post. :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dance practice.

Had one of the awesomest and funniest dance practice ever. Im ever still too short to dance with any guy in my dance. So, my dance partner has to bend down when we're dancing, and it turns out to be a total attraction-maker. Hahah. :)

I cannot believe dance practice has been so funny. Luckily Praveen ditched me or he'll have to bend even more. *blushes*

Dear dance partners,
Im sorry for being too short for you and when we waltz, chacha and everything, you have to bend down. You know I still love each and everyone of you, because Ive ESTABLISHED LOVE AND TRUST with you. Chenyang; Kevin, Praveen. (:

School ditching tomorrow. Hehs. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


So today's the 9th of May when I officially turn 16 ditching my GA and all the other people behind and joining the older people. So much for saying im only a year older than Barry. Butter.

So, I didnt stay up till 12am to read all my text messages and answer phone calls because today's monday monday, got a big frown on Monday, everybody's looking forward to the weekend! Ohmyworld, I love annoying all my friends by singing different different Rebecca Black parody/parodies. Whichever. :)

So, I really had an awesome sweet sour bitter salty 16th birthday because of all your wishes, hugs, videos, presents and kisses. People who made my day today, imma give you toffees all the way from the UK okay? *James starts to dance around*.

Oh and my dance partner ditched me today. Got disqualified from the dance. So I have a new dance partner! ChenYang. Dont know how am I gonna dance with him when we keep laughing at each other, and IM STILL TOO SHORT FOR HIM. :(

Dinnered out and everything was goood today. except for my headache and eye strain. All ChunYang's fault. Watch botch. (:

Time for homework, its already 11.33pm. :O

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Totally wasted my study weekend. Piano for 2 hours today was retarded, I couldnt play my pieces but teacher was in a good mood, because today's SUNDAY! :)

So, there was this church play thingy. It was so "fun", I decided to leave in the middle of the play. Thank you, Tim. You daaa best. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Honours day.


Honours day was so fun. I wanna go again. :)
I like all our epic moments. Ching was sitting in between 2 spirits. :O

Cg felt kinda weird today. BECAUSE OF SAM. hah.

Cant wait for tonight now. :)

Early morning, late nights.


3.45am in the morning and Im not asleep yet. So much for whining during Sej period earlier today. Just finished textraspam with James. Spin spin spin fall. :)

CANNOT SLEEP. Ive been having sleepness nights the whole week and I dont entirely feel sleepy in the day, as well. Something is wrong with me. I think Im turning into a robot! 8D

HONORS DAY IN ANOTHER 4hours! We we we so excited! :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Concert Practice.

Sound of music. :)

Concert practice started on Wednesday. Its so fun fun fun fun, lookin' forward to the weekend. Im be known one of the shortest girl or, to be said as 3rd shortest in the whole dance am dancing with the tallest guy in our whole dance. Its so awkward when we're dancing cus I have to tip toe and I cant reach his shoulder so I have to hold his waist. Damn. Im tooo short. l:)l

I like how I made Justin change his mind. :)
HONOUR'S day tomorrow.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Brandon Barry.

Barry. My aussie boyfriend that Tim Koh is so very jealous about. :)

Im so glad he's leaving today. Im so happy that I wont be seeing you anymore. So, just when I thought I could completely get rid of him, he did this..

"Hello Huei Minn, Im in Aussie now and Im going to miss you."
and there was this too,
"I wont ever stop stalking you. You're a very interesting person."


Bye Barry. Till next time. :')

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Hello May! :)

This month, is going to be awesome. Well, its already happening. Spent much of productive time with my grandma and thought the new maid to cook. I feel so.... useful. Haahah. Was suppose to get out of the house with ze brotha for RRH but they decided on football later at night. So whattheheck. Just watch only lah. :)

There was ManU and Arsenal. Then Chelsea and dont know what. Liverpool or something. Not quite sure. Decided to support Arsenal over manU because of 2 of my DBFs. I left ChunYang supporting ManU all alone tonight. Oh wells. Arsenal won. It was so cool, and they won only because I was in the supporting team.. *looks around*.

Bye. :)