Thursday, July 15, 2010

Everytime you ask ♥

Super biggie flirt. :P

I decided to unprivatize my blog, anyway. A private blog, is too troublesome for me. :)

This week has beeeeen really awesome. and the last weekend was indescribable. It was awesome. I met hot people in a party. A party on Saturday and spent the whole Sunday with Joe and Bran. One of the two awesomest people I know. :)

Also, got sunburnt. Beaches are awesome but they harm your skin. Curse the UV rays! I still love you, sun. So tell me, who do I blame?? :D

Tomorrow's a special day. It's someone's winking jumpedy birthday I cannot wait to celebrate with. Someone so awesome I would squeeze until her body is smashed and squashed and flattened. That how much that person means to me. :)

Our sibling portrait. :)
You people are the music in me/ The laughter in me/ The retardedness is me. Because all 3 of you are the most flawless and lovable people I know.. :)

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