Sorry for not posting anything like ages but yeah...
I was really lazy to even touch this blog...
christmas have justed pass and new year is up next...
WHAT?! SO FAST?!??!?!?!
Okay let`s just get straight to the point...
I went for my new school`s orientation yesterday.
Wow that school is seriously big that I can even get lost there...HELP!!!
seriously there are 3 or 4 blocks there..and we are porhibited to go into the blogs nor walk around there...bla bla bla...
So,when I came down from mom`s car.My hear palpitated I was like really scared or something.
I went straight up to the notice board to see which class I`m in..
I couldn`t find my name at 1st and then my mom was like calling my name a few times and showed me my name..I was like I`m in the 1st class.?! [1M]
then we`ve to do everything like 1st..
OH boy...luck is one can change it... >.<"
I couldn't`t attend my school`s party or some sort of thing as we were having orientation..
I found out some people from kc1 entered wms..
they were
Hoongyip,Zhiming,Sarah,Michelle,Rachel and another couple that I don`t know..LoLs
so that`s it lorhh...
nothing much..
Made 5 friends in like a day..swt!
My class is full of students from Sri Garden.
Okay fine most of them.
And none of them is from kc1 or 2..
sobs T.T
that`s for all..(:
OH yeah~!
Happy new year people!
wishing all of you lots of lots of luck enough to last the whole year!
Peace ^^